Principal's Message
‘Welcome to Concord Primary School!’
As a Concord family, our vision of nurturing every student with a Caring Heart, an Enriched Mind and Determined Spirit serve as a beacon of light as we endeavour to develop our Concordians into individuals with character and passion for learning to face life’s challenges.
We believe firmly in character education and will constantly strive to do our best to inculcate in our Concordians set of sound and enduring values that becomes their moral compass in their quest for knowledge and skills and to be future-ready. We want to nurture our Concordians to be resilient, adaptable, and courageous to navigate new frontiers and changing circumstances.
As a school community, our teachers are constantly working synergistically to deepen their pedagogical skills, leverage on technology and partnership to facilitate our students learning of knowledge and inculcation of values and socio-emotional skills and competencies. At the same time, focusing on strengthening our culture of care and well-being to pull everyone together.
With the strong support and encouragement from our parents and stakeholders, we will forge forward to excel with care and grit. We are Concord - ‘Our Concord, Our Pride’, and together we will soar to greater heights.'