Pines Cup 2022
On 17 November 2022, our Badminton CCA boys represented our school to participate in the Pines Cup 2022, organized by Tampines Secondary School.
Objectives of the tournament.
- To provide an opportunity for students to gain competitive experiences and also network with other players.
- To encourage students to engage in sports and games to promote a healthy lifestyle.
With great resilience, our players applied the skills and tactics acquired during our trainings. Eventually, Tan Jin Hern, Ryan achieved 2nd Runner-up in the Men’s Singles category; Ng Kee Xuan & Cheong Pak Loon also achieved 2nd Runner-up in the Men’s Doubles category.
Our players have also interacted with like-minded individuals from other primary schools. Well done, boys!
Prize Ceremony: Tan Jin Hern, Ryan awarded Men's Singles 2nd Runner-up Trophy by Organizer
Prize Ceremony: Ng Kee Xuan & Cheong Pak Loon awarded Men's Doubles 2nd Runner-up Trophy by Organizer
Celebratory Group Photo
P6 Sports and Outdoor Adventure Camp
The P6 Sports and Outdoor Adventure camp was a 2.5 day non-residential camp in school from 18 to 20 October 2022. It has provided an excellent opportunity for students to experience the outdoors and learn many important life skills, such as teamwork, independence, fair play and relationship management. One of the main aim of the camp was to prepare students for secondary school, while instilling in them leadership qualities and the 6 school core values – resilience, care, responsibility, respect, integrity and loyalty.
During the camp, students participated in many activities which enhanced their physical, mental and emotional resilience. Such activities included Archery Tag, Outdoor cooking, Hike at Wallace Trail, building a Trebuchet as their camp craft and other team building games too. They learned to work cooperatively as a team to achieve the objectives of these activities.
At the end of each activity, students were given the time of reflection where group facilitators provide feedback to groups and/or individuals. The time of reflection provides students the platform to understand their strengths and weaknesses. With this understanding, they learn to be a better team players and in hope to mould them to be leaders of the future.
Hiking at Wallace Trail
Students spotted many wild animals and insects along their trek at the Wallace Trail. Students learnt more about Dairy Farm at the Wallace Education Centre, where they were also tasked to complete worksheets in their groups.
Archery Tag
Each student was given an opportunity to practise shooting prior to the game. They learnt the proper way of holding a bow and releasing of the arrow. Students played in teams of 5, amongst their classmates. At the end of the session, students competed in teams against their neighbouring class.
Outdoor Cooking
Students were given mass tins and food ingredients for their outdoor cooking activities. Group facilitators aided in setting up of fire so that students could experience cooking as a team safely. Students consumed the dish which they prepared as a group after it has been fully cooked.
Break Camp
The P6 students donned their camp t-shirts on the last day. THE FINALE!
Primary 5 Outdoor Adventure Camp 2022
The Annual Primary 5 Outdoor Adventure Camp is an integral part of the school’s holistic education programme. In alignment with Covid-19 safety management measures, the school organized a non-residential day camp for our P5 cohort, from 1 to 3 June 2022.
The theme of the camp was “Kampong Days @ Concord”. Students worked together in their teams, and as a cohort, fostering important life skills, such as teamwork, independence, resilience and relationship management through outdoor adventure learning activities.
It was also a great bonding session for both the P5 teachers and their students.
Campers successfully built a mini ladder using knots and lashing. What an achievement!
Campers worked together to transport a ball using strings and a cup. Pull tight! Walk slowly!
Campers embarked on an exploration trail at Keat Hong Park, with Ms Joy Teo. Wonder what fruits and creatures they saw?
Campers cooked bee hoon soup outdoors using an atomic cooker and a mess tin. Tasted so good, Yummy!
Campers washed utensils after cooking using soap and water. They were having fun!
Campers solved difficult puzzles as a team. Amazing teamwork!
Campers examined parts of sea mango (also known as pong-pong). An interesting discovery!
Daily Reflection about camp experiences to know more about self and others.
Campers built the tallest tower balancing on one cup. What a stable and creative structure!
Kampong Days@Concord. We will win the war!
Map Creation - Outdoor Creation
Modular CCA – Outdoor Education
Objective(s) of the event / programme:
- Be resilient in designing a map that require them to perform a series of unfamiliar tasks.
- Have a heightened awareness of their own and others’ strengths and abilities.
- Be willing to take calculated risk and embrace the spirit of adventure while working with others to create synergy.
Mode of the event / programme:
- 2 OE teachers facilitated students to create maps for a part of the school compound.
- Mostly conducted outdoors within school compound:
- Parade Square
- Koi Pond and Garden
- Butterfly Garden
Summary of the activities involved:
- Students were first introduced to the purpose of map reading.
- Using what students have acquired in their previous years on orienteering, students applied the use of pacing, scaling and map legend to design a map.
- Throughout the 4 weeks, students were facilitated to reflect on their performance to gain an understanding about self-awareness, social awareness and relationship management.
Levels of students involved (if any):
Primary 6 cohort
Link to the school mission / vision / motto / creed:
- Vision: Map creation as a group harmoniously enriches the minds of students to apply knowledge and skills acquired for practical use in outdoor activities, as well as honing the determined spirit in them to complete an unfamiliar task.
- Motto: The application of mathematics during measurements and scaling ignites the passion of learning as students find relevance and real-world application of what they learn in school.
- Creed:Successive improvement of their maps would promote students’ confidence and belief in themselves that they were able to achieve more as a team, soaring to greater heights together.
Scientist-in-School Programme 2021
We are honored to partner Dr Ashar, an A\* STAR scientist, since we implemented the above programme in November 2011. As part of our school’s Science Education Career Guidance programme, Dr Ashar shared his educational life journey as well as his career path as a Scientist with two Primary 5 classes. Besides being able to see him via zoom meetings, students got to clarify more on a Scientist’s role and work! Some even took the opportunity to ask him on Science topics beyond their syllabus! Those who were not able to ask questions within the one-hour session could actually continue to engage Dr Ashar through padlet.
Online ZOOM session with Dr Ashar, facilitated by our Science teacher.
In addition, Dr Ashar helped review some of our existing Science outdoor trail lessons and offer his advice. He also designed and conducted an enrichment lesson on Electromagnets for 20 selected Primary 4, 5 and 6 students. This lesson covered contents beyond the Primary Science syllabus and consisted of hands-on activity using a mini resource kit.
Dr Ashar demonstrating how to use the given resource kit via ZOOM
Teaching slides that were shared by Dr Ashar.
Moving forward in 2022, we will continue our partnership with Dr Ashar to bring forth more exciting and enriching programme for our students!
CNY Celebrations on 31st Jan
The theme of this year’s Chinese New Year Celebration is Adaptive Resilience, Continued Prosperity. Students were introduced to the customs and traditions of Chinese New Year as well as the new norm of Chinese New Year Celebration in this period of pandemic times through the virtual skit put up by the staff and students. Concord’s school values of Responsibility and Resilience were reinforced through the various segment within the virtual celebration. Time was set aside for Form teachers and Co-form teachers to bond with their class through the class bonding activities planned by them for their students. The celebration ended on a high note with the Chinese New Year mascot, God of Fortune and 2 Tigers, making their appearances in the classrooms, sending well wishes to the Concordians, wishing them an abundance of joy, happiness and prosperity in the Year of the Tiger.
Week 1 Back to School
During the 1st week of 2022, the students in Concord Primary welcomed their new P1 Concordians. The young Concordians were paired up with their P6 seniors who showed them the many places in school and helped them during their recess as part of the school’s “P1/P6 recess buddy” programme. Meanwhile the other students experienced special, customised programmes and activities which enabled them to ease into the new year with their new teachers and classmates. They had class bonding activities, social skill lessons, leadership based activities too. This included the nomination of the various class and school student leaders plus re-visiting the important school rules. It was definitely an eventful and enriching 1st week of school for everyone.
P1 First Day of School
Concord primary welcomed our new P1 Concordians and their parents on the 4th January 2022. The young Cocordians and their parents were treated to a special programme which introduced the students to primary school life. Introductory briefings were also conducted to the parents to highlight the important events and specific logistical details such as the ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ at the canteen, morning assembly and dismissal procedures, and other classroom and school related procedures. The P1 Concordians and their parents experienced their first ever recess in a primary school too. With the man food choices available, they navigated their way through their options and hard a wonderful time together. Along the way, they also met up with our school mascots, Connor and Caylee.